by Aarron Pina | Nov 22, 2013 | ONE TH1NG, support
The Vision
For six years now, Cristine and I have been following God’s lead in “realigning lives with the Way, the Truth, and the Life of Jesus Christ.” We have a passion for building relationships with people and with God and for seeing believers in Christ transformed by the power of God and walking in obedience to Him.
Most of that work has been through one on one discipleship. Some of it has involved bringing food and other material needs to working poor families across five metro-Atlanta towns, some of that work has involved public speaking and performing our one man show “That Day”, and often it involves doing the administrative and fundraising work that comes with the territory of full time vocational ministry.
Enter, ONETHINGathon!
I’m writing this Friday, 11.22.2013. Tomorrow is the first time I’ll actually step out of running Seasons of Life Ministries and step into running for Seasons of Life Ministries. About 200 other men, women, and children will descend on Fowler Park on Carolene Way to walk, run, or roll for four local charities, including Seasons of Life. It’s called the ONETHINGathon. And, I’ll be running 5 miles… in the rain. Praise GOD!
For us, ONETHINGathon represents three things:
- An chance for many to come together to raise awareness & support for this ministry.
- An opportunity for people around us to rally people who aren’t around us around the vision, mission, and future of this ministry, without necessarily burdening our existing supporters with additional giving requests. Teamwork will make the dreamwork.
- A chance to watch God raise the funds needed to bring the ministry current on this year’s bills and get ahead of schedule on other expenses well into the 2nd quarter of next year without another dime spent on fundraising! WOW!
Channel WHO?!
Even more exciting, WSBTV Channel 2 has decided to do a story on 5 local events going on around Thanksgiving and the Christmas Season and the ONETHINGathon is one! The story will run around Christmas. So, keep your eyes on our Facebook page, Twitter feed, or here for details on when it runs!
Volunteers Needed:
- In person: We have plenty of volunteers already on the schedule, but will need more to help with the picnic, setup, and clean up. If you’d like to help in those areas, sign up at to…DAY!
- Online: The most important thing about tomorrow is that people make the connection between the vision and mission of these 4 ministries and the financial need addressed tomorrow. The best way we’ve found to do that to share a five minute video with anyone and everyone you can that explains what the event is all about. It costs nothing to share the video, but a few seconds and a few clicks. So, I invite you to do this: share the video, invite people catch the vision, and if God leads you or them – support Seasons of Life or any of the other ministries online.
- In your shoes, NOTE: If you want to walk, run or roll with us, you’ll have to register as a walk on in person tomorrow as online registration is closed as of noon today.
Eat and Greet… And, GREAT!
There will be a picnic from 12 to 1PM at the pavilion at Fowler park – rain or shine, since it’s covered and mild (in the 60s by midday). Representatives from ONETH1NG for Men, ONETH1NG for Youth, PIER Foundation, and Seasons of Life Ministries will be in attendance. At 1PM, there will be a raffle that will include $50 gift certificates to Dick’s, Best Buy, dinner certificates to Cabernet, a flat screen TV and a Dale Murphy signed uniform.
We invite you to join us for any or all of the above, and wish you and your family a fantastic, safe, and grace filled Thanksgiving!
by Aarron Pina | Nov 6, 2013 | ONE TH1NG, support, update
Every day, you’re faced with the decision to read, archive, or delete dozens to hundreds of emails. Today, I want to ask you to stick with this one for about four minutes. I’ve even got a special section for you if you’re out of town. Would you do that?
The Backdrop:
For six years now, Seasons of Life Ministries has answered God’s call to lock arms with Christ followers as they pursue deeper intimacy in Christ, primarily through one on one discipleship. If you’re unfamiliar with this ministry, the video below can give you some insight into what we do and why.
For info, go to |
My wife, Cristine, and I have been meeting with men, women, and couples to lift up the word of God as our sole source of wisdom, help, and counsel for these past 6 years and beyond. Many of them have chosen to support the ministry financially – they have “skin in the game”. Others just can’t. Some of them are deeply tied to a small group, seeking professional couseling as their insurance allows, but deeply need more or different than these avenues can provide.
As a result, we’ve essentially given away thousands of hours of bible based counseling, and delivered tens of thousands in donated food to working poor families, provided Gospel hope, healing, encouragement, and even rebuke to meet their needs as God leads.
Where You Come In
To continue the work we know God has called us to do, I’m asking you to commit to participating in an upcoming fundraiser. It’s called the “One Thing-a-thon” and it’s a walkathon that will benefit four local ministries including Seasons of Life.
Three Ways To Join Us
The event will require a good number of volunteers and if you’d like to just help out with the picnic, follow this link to find out about it and you’ll have all the information you need. But, the greatest need we have is donors, walkers, and leaders. Read below for a brief idea of how this works. For a more detailed “how to”, you can follow a link to this article on all the nuts and bolts of being a high octane volunteer.
- Donate: If you’re already a donor/supporter of Seasons of Life, you may just want to share this video with your friends or coworkers and invite them to sponsor me either per mile or make a flat donation on behalf of Seasons of Life. Or, you might just volunteer at Fowler Park for the picnic that day. At you’ll find the “Purpose and Goals” video explaining the event and its potential impact, as well as all the tools you need to volunteer, sign up, and even give online. This is a great way to help even if you live out of town or state!
- Walk: If you’re already a regular supporter of SOLM or just feeling frisky, I’d like to invite you to strap on your shoes and hit the road as a walker/runner/stroller on our behalf, OR…
- Lead: Some of you, however, are both gifted at leadership and have a heart for discipleship/Seasons of Life. I’d invite you to consider being a team leader, leading a team of other runners/walkers, and recruiting them to help support this ministry.
We’ve been advised this event could raise $30,000 for Seasons of Life – that’s about half our operating need for 2014. A day like that would literally “buy” me an average of ten hours a month to meet with more men, develop and deliver content for our blog and other social media, and prepare to deliver “That Day” presentations to several churches and organizations throughout 2014 and beyond.
Would you commit to looking over this material and letting me know how I can count on you this month?
In Christ,
by Aarron Pina | Nov 6, 2013 | ONE TH1NG, support, volunteer
You Like “Easy”, Don’t You?
For those of you who see the “One Thing a Thon” as the ideal opportunity for serving the Seasons of Life community (or any of the other three ministries involved), keeping it simple is key. (Updated:) Below are 6 simple “how to” steps. You don’t need to be a professional fundraiser or even highly athletic to make a huge impact, even if you won’t be in town the day of the event (see note below)!
Wise counsel has led us to believe this event could bring in $30,000 or more. Because of this, walkers and “team captains” are the area of greatest need for November 23rd. Hitting that number would bring us current on several professional expenses and deep into next year without having to spend another minute on fundraising. In other words, if this event is “successful”, we could spend nearly 100% of our time next year working in the ministry rather than on the ministry. Volunteers and individual donations are needed, but the number above demands a lot of feet at Fowler Park and hands sharing this video.
As a walker, even if you were to commit to walking a few miles and signed up 10 donors at $10 a mile, you would bring a few hundred dollars to the cause. If you’re a great organizer/networker/motivator (team captain) and all you did was share this specific post with three people you really believe in, you could captain a team “Team Jones”, for example, that brings in three or four times more than you could on your own.
How To:
Well, you’ve seen the “Purpose and Goals” video at or on our YouTube page. Right? Here are 6 steps to help you move forward…
- Make a decision “how, how much, and how far?”: If you won’t be in town the day of the event, see the note below “What If I’m Not Available That Day?”. Then, decide if you’re going to walk, run, push a stroller, etc. and how far you you’ll go and how much you hope to raise. (Pray fervently about all of these.)
I’m planning to walk/run 5 miles, Kirby Wisler is roller-blading 5 miles for his cause, etc. From there, you’re on the honor system to complete what you say you’re going to do, so if your friends donate $5 per mile, make sure you go as far as you said you would to honor their donation. Fair enough? Excellent.
- Make it official: Register at “Event Registration” under your own name if you’re walking/running, etc. or enter your team name in “Name” at whatever level works for you (Gold, Silver, or Bronze, or Basic).
- Make a list: jot down the names of the people you’d like to recruit as walkers to help the cause.
- Make the introduction: share the video with them via email, text, Facebook, or other preferred media (really “old school” people might just invite a few friends over to watch the video at their home, right?).
“I’m supporting Seasons of Life Ministries in a walk-a-thon on November 23rd and I’d love to give you some brief info on it so you can decide how you can best help. Could you take a few minutes to watch this video that explains the event and the causes involved?”
(Here’s the link again for you to copy and paste: or send them to
- Make a request: Once they’ve seen the video, ask them if they see themselves as fellow walkers or if they’d just support you in your support of us and our mission.
The important fields on the “donate” page… |
Make the connection: If they want to donate, simply send them to
and they can make an online donation. Remind them to enter your name (or your “team”) name in the appropriate field and remember to tell them to choose “Seasons of Life Ministries” in the “*Give my donation to” menu. (See illustration.) They will then be taken to One Thing Ministries’ secure, online giving page.
What If I’m Not Available That Day?
Rest assured, barring any catastrophes, I will be there, rain or shine, even if you can’t.
Simply invite them to donate on my behalf. You may be surprised how many people are still willing to support when they know provision has already been made for your absence. Remember – it’s not about the event, walking, or even running. The event is just a rally point for people to gather around in support of our mission and the cause of those we minister to.
What About Corporate Sponsors?
We are anticipating several hundred people at Fowler Park on the 23rd, so there is ample opportunity for corporate sponsorship including banners and other collateral. If you’d like information on that, please contact me directly via email, Facebook message, or phone.
On behalf of all those who we minister and all those who are praying for this ministry, its impact, and our family – thank you.
in Christ,
Aarron Pina
by Aarron Pina | Oct 31, 2013 | ONE TH1NG, support, update
What We’ve Been Up To:
Over the past several years, Seasons of Life has provided discipleship to men, women, and couples regardless of their financial status. In many cases, we have essentially “given away” tens of thousands of dollars in bible based counseling to people who both needed it and couldn’t afford it.
Thanks to the incredible training we’ve received over the years from organizations and individuals from North Point Community Church to BTCP to Elijah House to Free Chapel’s “School of Discipleship” to Jesus Spoken Here, we’ve been able to lock arms with men and women who truly desire deeper intimacy with Christ and walk with them through the various trials and seasons God has laid out for them.
Today, I’m asking for your help to meet two needs – one with a November 5th deadline and the other on November 23rd.
The “Now” Need Our current need for all October ministry expenses is a bit over $4,000. Not so bad, considering that’s needed by November 5th, and we have a little more than $1,000 in matching funds available to get there. Every little bit, big chunk, and ridiculously huge bit counts. To help meet this need in the next 6-7 days, simply click here or go to our support page at and designate your gift using the drop down menu or follow directions there for check giving and our mailing address. Yes, all donations are tax deductible as permitted by IRS section 501(c)3.
Next year, we anticipate “giving away” hundreds more hours of biblical counseling to dozens of men, women, and couples, caring for the needs of the working poor in our sphere of influence, and exhorting/encouraging believers forward into a more mature faith. The support of those who give sacrificially to this ministry are absolutely essential to making that happen. A large scale fundraising opportunity has come up that could make next year’s efforts possible in just one day. Here’s where you come in:

Awareness and Opportunity…
The “Later” Need: “One Thing-a-thon”
This event will happen on November 23rd. Now, this is a really cool opportunity for those who may not have a whole lot of giving capacity at this time: One Th1ng, a local ministry that spurs men on in their walk with God is sponsoring a picnic and walkathon called “One Thing-a-Thon” on November 23rd to raise support and awareness for four local ministries, including Seasons of Life Ministries! Watch the video below as Kirby Wisler explains 3 ways you can help out…
What To Do:
Today, I’m inviting you to consider supporting Seasons of Life Ministries and all we’ve been called to do by:
- Join us as a runner: invite people around you to sponsor you by the mile or for the walk
- Be a “recruiter”: share this video with people close to you invite them to sponsor me as I walk/run 10 miles that morning.
- Sponsor me (I’ll be walk/running 10 miles) as a corporate sponsor or individual donor for $1, $10, or even $100 a mile or give a flat donation for the day.
As always, thank you, for your readership, prayers, and support!
in Christ,
by Aarron Pina | Sep 30, 2013 | ONE TH1NG, Save the Date, support
Save the Date!
The “ONE TH1NG a THON” means greater impact for Seasons of Life!
Saturday, November 23rd, hundreds of men, women, and children will strap on their shoes, gird up their strollers, and get ready for the first annual “ONE TH1NG a THON” at Fowler Park in Cumming, GA.
They’ll be walking to support men’s discipleship through ONE TH1NG, father/son ministry through ONE TH1NG for Youth, adults with disabilities through the PIER foundation and Seasons of Life Ministries. Every one of these ministries has an impact on men, women, and children in your community. Seasons of Life strives to help believers in Christ build mature faith and impact those around them for Christ, thrive through challenging seasons like divorce, loss, and addiction, and come out abiding in Christ like a champ.
The Need and Your Role
Every one of these ministries needs funding to survive and add to their impact.
The One Thing a Thon will give hundreds of people to make their mark on these ministries in three different ways. This week, we’ll have updated links for an online site that will allow you to participate in any of the following ways:
- Donate: we’ll have a secure, online giving system that will allow you, your business, your family, or even your small group to donate online. Sponsor a runner for a specified overall donation, or a per-mile amount.
- Run: you can add to the impact by signing up as a runner, and inviting others to sponsor you through online giving
- Lead: you’ll be able to sign up as a team captain for your own team, for example “My Seasons of Life Walkers”, and sign up other runners who sign up donors.
Aarron Pina has personally committed to walk 10 miles between 7AM and noon for his walk and invites you to sponsor him, join him, or bring others along to do the same. (Nothing like keeping your body healthy while helping others in their spirit, right?) If you’d like to help in any of these three ways, email him at aarron at seasonsoflifeministries dot org, or inbox us at our Facebook page and he’ll get you a link as soon as it’s live this week!
Thanks, for your support!!!
in Christ,
by Aarron Pina | Mar 29, 2013 | news, speak life, support
This year, God has kept the door open for us to serve between 7 and 10 families who are “working poor” and in need of a little relief. Donated food, money, gas cards, and a ton of prayer have provided a sustaining breath of life to dozens of men, women, and children from Fulton to Forsyth to Hall counties. One supporter pitched in $500 last quarter that helped one family keep their lights and gas on, as well as providing $200 in gas/food cards for two local families. “Karen”, a single mom of 5 with 2 jobs, was ecstatic.
“[My ex-husband] is behind on child support this month and was $1,000 short last month and late the month before… I don’t know what we would have done [without this gift].”
Thank you, to all who believe in this program and have by prayer or support contributed. You are truly speaking the life of Christ into tight circumstances.
To support Speak Life specifically with a one time gift, click on the icons below. To support this program as a regular monthly or quarterly giver, use the same links, just enter “monthly” or “quarterly” in the notes field at checkout.