DISTRACTION is everywhere and discipleship helps defeat it.
Support Seasons of Life Ministries to help us help others WIN their daily battles between DEVOTION and DISTRACTION:

We help families and churches thrive despite distraction. your support helps us help them!
Each summer and winter we seek new supporters whose financial support will help bridge the gap between what we do and what needs to be done.
You monthly supporters are SO important – you provide steady, reliable resources to run our time/marriage/family-saving programs. (And it frees us up to spend less time fundraising, and more time fighting the war on distraction.)
For Q3, 2023, our need is just over $2,400.00 with a $1,000 matching gift available (until 9/30/23) to help reach that need. Use any of the below means to give:
From my family to yours, THANK YOU for supporting this vital work!
Aarron Pina

Tap or click here.
Set up monthly, annual, or quarterly recurring gifts.
Or, text “GIVE” to 478-818-7100 to use TEXT TO GIVE!

NEW: Venmo now lets you support the cause!
• Scan the QR code above in the Venmo app or tap here.
Trusted by millions of users worldwide, PayPal now empowers you to support Seasons of Life Ministries with either a special “now” gift or as a regular, monthly partner. Search @seasons123 in the PayPal app, click here, or for monthly giving options, click the PayPal “Donate” button below:

3. Snail mail!
Send an old-fashioned handwritten check, use your bank’s online bill-pay service, or give cash, stock, even cryptocurrencies through a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) such as National Christian Foundation, Fidelity Charitable Giving to:
Seasons of Life Ministries, Inc.
12316 Itani Way
Jacksonville, FL 32226