What’s Slowing You Down?

In 2005, I was staring at over 4,500 unread emails in my inbox. My calendar was beyond full and my in-basket owned my desk… and the work just kept coming in…

I felt the 3 O’s: Overwhelmed… Overcommitted… Over it!

It was time for a Clean Slate.

The Change:

Through a series of mentors God brought my way, I began to uncover God’s time-tested design for productivity. Applying it to everything that came across my desk, phone, and inbox, I experienced less stress and got more done.

Less Stress,

More ‘YESSS!

Now, I help people:

• Clear out their inbox, calendar, and overwhelm.

• Uncover God’s strategy and vision for their life.

• Live their days wildly engaged with God’s purpose.

Throughout Summer, 2022 I’ll be offering 4 free webinars to help people you love fight and win their daily battles against distraction.

Break Free Through The Next Clean Slate Webinar:

Click below to register for session 1:

Click below to register for session 2:

Click below to register for session 3:

Click below to register for session 4:

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If Evernote is right for you, WE CAN HELP!

Aarron Pina is now recognized as an Evernote Business Certified Consultant™!

Evernote™ can help you, your business, even your family keep better track of all that God has entrusted to you! Celebrate what gets done, trust God with what doesn’t, and live every day with THAT DAY in mind!