A guy I know shows up for a new job. Boss seemed to like him and he was doing a good, needed job. But come one Friday, he comes in to get his paycheck and gets the news, instead… “We’re not going to make payroll this period. Might have to let you… and him, and him… go.”
What you do if you’re that guy? End of the month is coming and you’ve got $60, a wife and 2 kids to feed, and an electric company, gas company, and phone company expecting you to share that missing paycheck with them…
I wouldn’t expect him to call me… Can’t imagine I’d call me in that situation, either. But, word gets around and before he knows it somebody is putting a phone in his hand with me on the other end.
“What’s it going to take to keep the lights on?” I asked,”
“Between gas, electric, water, and phone, we need about $850, plus rent and food…
So, this is me letting you know about the need. This guy and his family all love Jesus and we love them. So, can you help? Anything that’s given this month and designated “Speak Life” will help this family. Can you or someone you know help them out? To give online specifically for this cause, go to our website at www.seasonsoflifeministries.org/support and use our online giving portal there. Make sure to designate your gift “Speak Life” using the pull down menu.
Thanks, for reading, praying, and giving!