by Aarron Pina | Feb 2, 2017 | Uncategorized

That Day brought the awe of heaven and the love of God to hundreds last month!
We’re on a Mission!
Last year, we had a vision to help 10,000 people live every day with eternity in mind. In January, we were able to reach close to 600 of them with two That Day performances!
Exciting Opportunity:
Clearly, God is using this story to change the hearts and minds of a whole lot of people. We’ve been invited to present it to a pastor’s conference next month. These are pastors from all over the US trying to reach unchurched people in a country where more and more people are not professing Christians: America. We can help. But, we need your help.
Mission Driven? Mission Given.
We need to cover some costs without raising the burden on these pastors and their churches. It will take about $750 to bring That Day to this conference and we don’t want mission driven givers to miss out on an opportunity to give where it counts.
If we can raise this support before February 7th, we’ll have a shot at bringing That Day to these pastors and eventually, hundreds in their churches and communities, who will impact thousands around them. To support this effort, give to the That Day fund here.
What We’re Seeing That Day Do:
The feedback we got from the performances was life changing. MANY were moved:
- to laughter, tears, or both
- some to action
- and a few… to the altar.
Among the smiling and teary testimonials:
“…powerful and sobering. It gave me a new perspective & it challenged me.” Y.M., Dawsonville, GA
“Engaging, funny and very touching. I was in tears often, in good and bad ways.” L.F., Alpharetta
Three Things Jesus Will Say:
At the end of this life, we will come before Jesus and hear one of three things:
- “Away from me, I never knew you.”
- “Welcome!”
- “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
We want to move some of the
- “Away from me”s to “welcome”
- “Welcome”s to “Well done!” and
- “Well done”s to maximum rewards and glory for Christ.
Looking with excitement toward that day of HIS glorious appearing!!!
in Christ,
Aarron & Cristine
by Aarron Pina | Feb 2, 2017 | Uncategorized
What’s Your Better?
At the end of 2016 nearly 100% of Americans wanted 2017 to be better. But, which better?
The prayer requests I got sounded like “clarity & direction”, “make the right decisions at work”, “be more fully present in key relationships” (wife or significant other, kids, extended family), “stay in the word”, “stop playing catch up at work and actually get ahead”. What were yours? Crushing it yet? Didn’t make any? Read on…
This year, about 41% of Americans made New Year’s resolutions. Almost 45% of those people will make it 6 months or more on those resolutions. In other words, while a lot of people are interested in change, not everyone is committed to lasting change in their lives. Even fewer actually achieve it.
Two Kinds of People – Which Are You?
Some of you are really active people – you do a lot of stuff. Others are highly productive people – you get a lot of stuff done. But, I firmly assert that God doesn’t want either. I believe God doesn’t want us to settle for merely doing more stuff. He calls us to something better: getting the right stuff done in His power and His timing with right motives. How about you? Comment below.
You can be in one place alone: on track or off track. If you’re on track, good for you. Just know you have an enemy who wants you off track and will do all in his power to get you there. The great news is, God has an order and a power (grace) designed to get you back on track every time you’re off. The most productive people have plans in place designed to help them get back on track as quickly and often as possible. Are you one of them?
This week, I’m offering a free webinar under the Clean Slate banner: “Re:gaining Productivity”. So, whether you’ve lost momentum or just want help keeping it, I’m here to partner with you in the process with biblical solutions to real world problems.
Is that worth 45 minutes of your time? What I’m covering hasn’t just changed my life, it’s helping people, churches and businesses keep the main thing the main thing. If that’s important to you, click here and register for Thursday’s webinar.
in Christ,
by Aarron Pina | Jan 13, 2017 | Uncategorized
At the end of last year, I invited over 300 people to share with me what areas of life they’d like to see “under control” for 2017. That is to say, under God’s control moving forward… The response was quite revealing, candid, and telling. Below is the chart with your responses.
- Top 4 drives for change: greater bible engagement, and control over inbox, worry, and overcommitment.
Our thoughts?
Well, if we get the first one right, the other three tend to fall into place. Vision drives it all and knowing God should be the center of our vision. If our focus time with God is on point and the other areas don’t fall into place, we’re a lot more at ease/at peace with the things that don’t fall into place, true?
We have suggestions and help for those seeking answers, accountability, and tools, but we’re holding them for those bold enough to say “I’m serious.” So, if you want to grow in those areas, reach out and we’ll develop a battle plan to go the distance with you.
in Christ,

by Aarron Pina | Jan 13, 2017 | Uncategorized
As a ministry, it appears we’ve turned a God-ordained corner in 2016. The year before, we were committed to walking away from Seasons of Life Ministries for a time. But, once we made that commitment, it appears God opened up new doors. So, we walked through them.
That led to That Day performances in Alpharetta, Cumming, Manassas, VA, and a return to Alpharetta.
Cristine gave her first women’s conference talk for a retreat in Norfolk, VA. Aarron spent several months on a part time job a few days a week while here in Cumming, but also gave Clean Slate leader training to local leaders and earned his Evernote Certified Consultant designation! (For more on how he uses and optimizes Evernote, email him at aarron at

Available for IOS and Android here.
Today, we have two That Day performances already on the books for January with a third in the works for March. With very little effort poured into publicizing our app (Stay in the Word), we’ve reached over 50 mobile devices and are taking a very low key approach to it so we can focus on keeping the main thing the main thing.
Lessons learned: when we take our hands off God’s work and let Him be God, our plans fail and His succeed wildly.
130 lbs. Lost and Three Words:
Over the past 2 years, Cristine and I have lost a combined total of 130 lbs. and are compiling video to create a series on how we did it. Ultimately, it comes down to stewardship of the body, obedience to God, and the three words that God consistently pops up on our radar: vision, strategy, and execution. Short version: God has radically transformed the way we look at food, our bodies, and stewardship.
While I have several blog post ideas in the works on each of these 3, my goal is to release them only as time permits, in order to keep the main thing the main thing: That Day, Clean Slate, and Discipleship/Coaching.
If you’ve ever wondered what this ministry is about, I’ve compiled a simple document that explains what we’re about in those three words. You can download it here: SOLM Ministry Model.
So, How Did It Go?
Year end giving is always surrounded by uncertainty – did we send out enough information, soon enough? too much information, too late? will regular supporters stay on?
This year, the books closed on 2016 with only a few thousand dollars “in the red” and some surprise gifts large and small coming in right down to the wire. If you were one of those year end supporters – THANK YOU.
Shifting Gears?
As it became clear the ministry work demanded all of me after my family and not after family and the part time job, I gave appropriate notice and we’re living back out on faith and faith alone so as to maximize my efforts toward the family and That Day, Clean Slate, and Coaching/Discipleship. After our first That Day Leader’s Lunch yielded great fruit, we discovered that God might make it distinctly possible to reach 10,000 people this year with the message of “living every day with eternity in mind.” Until He says differently, we’re joining Him in that pursuit!
If you see value in helping us to help others, please consider us in your regular monthly giving. We need about 5 more regular supporters to join us at $125-200 per month to keep us fully available where we are needed most: partnering with others to keep God’s main thing their main thing.
Click here to join us in that effort.
in Christ,
Aarron Pina
by Aarron Pina | Jan 13, 2017 | Uncategorized

So… much… wasted… time.
On Sunday night – January 22nd – Dr. Michael Adams will be hosting the next That Day performance at Holy Trinity Christian Church here in Alpharetta, GA. We’d love for you to see the latest update of the show.
It’s really exciting to see not just how people react to the show, but how the story is changing how they live their lives, share their faith, live their faith, and engage with both God and the people around them. I caught up with a team of pastors and asked them how the story impacted them and their church and the way they described how That Day changed their staff, church, and community included words like “urgency”, “motivated”, “engaged” and “vigilant”.
Sometimes people hear about a play or a one man show and think “Oh, that’s nice. Good luck with that. You’ll do great.” They miss the point.
Others really grasp the concept that we’re sharing a living parable that resonates with people and transforms their faith, keep coming back and inviting friends.
We hope you’ll be among the many that understand That Day is part of a process of understanding God’s vision for our lives, developing a strategy to accomplish it, and executing that strategy regularly until His return to us or our return to Him.
I recommend you come join us for a great evening at HTCC. Share this video with your friends, coworkers, small group, family, etc., buy your tickets online or at the door, and be there on the 22nd at 7PM. It’s a Sunday night and it’s right here in Alpharetta off exits 11 & 12, convenient to Cumming, Alpharetta, Johns Creek & Suwanee. Don’t miss the updated, faith shaping, life changing story!
by Aarron Pina | Dec 30, 2016 | Uncategorized
To Resolve or Not to Resolve?
Some swear by New Year’s Resolutions. Others live and die by goals. Still others claim “if you keep your expectations low, you’re never let down.”
This year, by grace alone, I celebrate 15 years clean from porn addiction and 2 years clean from processed sugar. Personally, I love running after goals and I’m grateful for all the Spirit led resolutions God has helped me keep. Nothing like a little repentance here and there to cast aside every hindrance and the sin that so easily entangles so we can run with perseverance the race He set out for us, right?
What if Resolutions Aren’t the Answer?
Most resolutions fail because they’re merely snap decisions based on irritation with current circumstances or a sense of being “sick and tired of x”. Knee jerk course corrections… Resolutions in and of themselves are merely strategies – “what to do” or “what to not do”. The power behind anything in the Christian life is Christ and that power is perfected in our weakness. Tying the what to a “why” helps us actualize that power. Renewing of the mind brings that power to fruition. God ordained vision drives lasting change. In other words, revolution must precede resolution if the change is to stick.
This year, I want us all to fail miserably at our resolutions and succeed wildly at accomplishing what God has set before us. To aid you in that endeavor, here’s a resource you can download, pray about, and work out as the Spirit leads. I wish you God’s best – a clean slate – in the coming year, and thousands of steps in line with God’s will for your life.
Your Homework:
Click here to download the worksheet. Zeroing in on God’s Vision for Your Life Follow the instructions and email me your story in 30 days!