by Aarron Pina | Mar 29, 2013 | discipleship, newsletter
Every week, I sit eyeball to eyeball with guys and talk about what God is showing them in the word, where He’s moving them in their walk, and how they’re struggling or how I can pray for them (or both). Hopefully, the influence of one man and one God in his life makes an impact to the world around him.
Recently, a guy told me that he called his wife to let her know he was praying for her. She unknowingly gave me the coolest complement in her response when she asked him, “Are you meeting with Aarron right now or something?”.
“No, I’m just at work.”
Honored. Humbled. Invigorated and encouraged.
Question for Men:
What man (or, men) are so intentionally in your face and your life that their influence is clearly marked for the positive in your marriage, your conversation, and your witness in the marketplace?
by Aarron Pina | Mar 29, 2013 | newsletter, support
Status Update?
As of today, God has funded the first quarter, 2013 more fully than ever before. In fact, historically, while we’ve hovered around 50% funding, this year, we’re less than $6,000 from meeting our projected need for the entire quarter. WOW. Normally, that’s closer to $7-8,000.
As is often the case, God has also provided some matching funds ($2,250) to help us reach this need, available until April 15th. Total need is about $5,600 for the quarter.
What Does That Mean?
Now is a great time to join us financially and in prayer: when matching funds are on the table, your giving counts doubly. $100 brings a $100 matching gift and provides $200 to help us realign lives with the Way, the Truth, and the Life of Jesus Christ. Discipleship matters. Your support counts. Until 4/15, it counts double.
Support now. Click on any of the links or icons below to support online through our secure online giving portal.
- To give by check, make check out to Seasons of Life Ministries and mail to us at:
3482 Keith Bridge Rd., Suite 285, Cumming, GA 30041.
- For strategic, planned giving through National Christian Foundation, go to or call them locally at 404.252.0100 or toll free at 800.681.6223 to open an account or inquire on giving and giving strategies.
- Pray: that God will raise up supporters to help meet the current need and maintain our current regular supporters.
- Spread the word: Invite your small group, business, or friends to join us in support by leading them to our blog, Facebook page, or website where they can learn more about one on one discipleship, Speak Life, That Day or other ministry outlets of Seasons of Life Ministries.
To support at any level with a one time gift, click on the links or icons below. To support at any level as a regular monthly or quarterly supporter, use the same links, just enter “monthly” or “quarterly” in the notes field at checkout.
A few specific, current needs include:
- $48 for postage
- $150 for diapers, gas, and childcare for a “Speak Life” single mom
- $300 to scholarship 4 teens to an upcoming youth conference
- $1,200 for upcoming payroll and payroll tax needs for staff
by Aarron Pina | Mar 29, 2013 | clutter, discipleship, Men Step Up, newsletter, ONE TH1NG
“Highly productive, well rested, God focused, and ready for anything.“
Describe you? Last year, God began stirring in me a desire to break from a number of bad habits… or perhaps a lifestyle. Through a few secular books, he opened my eyes to productivity principles that had been “hiding in plain view” right there in the scriptures. After compiling weeks of study, hours of notes, months of application and “tweaking” and publishing several blog posts, I was invited to speak to two groups of men over the course of about 4 months: Men Step Up – Gwinnett, and ONE TH1NG in Alpharetta, GA.
Eliciting feedback from the men at the tables of ONE TH1NG |
The results are still to be calculated, having directly reached 90-100 men from 15 different churches, dozens of businesses, and an untold national impact through our blog and FB pages. Many of the men were struck between the eyes when it comes to the concepts of clutter, workflow management, organization, and the stewardship of ideas: “most of us have never been taught how God sees it.” Clutter and disorganization all come from one source: a divided heart. And, only a heart fully surrendered to one Master can keep from being caught up in the rat race.
“You can’t worship two gods at once. Loving one god, you’ll end up hating the other. Adoration of one feeds contempt for the other. You can’t serve both God and [stuff]. (Mt. 6:24 MSG)”
Conversations among the many men pinned this down: our schedules are the most clutter friendly arenas in life and regardless of the type of clutter we battle, the losers are most often and severely our families.
God’s word does not return void and did not for any of these men. Today, I’m still receiving occasional texts from guys to tell me that they’ve just eliminated hundreds (on guy, thousands) of emails from their inbox and have begun to experience what David Allen calls the freedom of “Captain and Commander” mode. This information may soon be available in eBook format and as a half day workshop for men in the marketplace. Inbox me or keep your eyes on our pages for details and updates.
Other Updates:
- While our Facebook page now has over 150 “Likes”, the blog now has over 12,000 views, and our YouTube channel now has over 200 subscribers and more than 4,300 video views!
- Aarron was recently asked to join Echo Ministries’ Board of Elders and will be serving a term as an elder for ministry leader, Greg Ford.
- Aarron is currently rehearsing “That Day” in preparation for soon to be announced performances in the metro-Atlanta area. Stay tuned to Facebook and the blog for updates.