A Message from Ron Dunn About Leadership in the Home
If over 50% of the automobiles produced by a car manufacturer failed, the company would close down.
If over 50% of airplanes crashed before completing their flights, people would not fly anymore.
When the goal is 100%, but the success is less than half, a crisis exists.
In business…on Wall Street… analysts and critcis would expose the weaknesses and call for changes while downgrading stock.
Men, the percentages on failed and troubled marriages is staggering, yet in our society more is being done to accept the fact than to fix it.
We have a marriage crisis and need to call help… “broken arrow”… on the ground we stand and the thinking… and lack of thinking that has now become the majority norm in our society.
Broken Arrow requires examining manhood and marriage theologically… rather than being influenced sociologically.
What does our God say about these two entities that He designed and created…?
What our culture says and likes isn’t working.
Last week we had lively discussions around a biblical definition of a great husband: a man who loves, lives with, knows, honors & prays with his wife under God’s rule.
What is true for me in this area is true for you… I need insights and encouragement to help me establish, lead and live winning, healthy marriage dynamics.
This week we will unpack 3 marriage cues from Jesus that will bring deeper understanding and applications to the definition of a great husband.
Hope to see you early!
– Ron
Ron Dunn leads ONE TH1NG for men at The Cabernet Steakhouse on Windward Parkway and GA 400 on Friday Mornings from 7AM to 7:59AM. It’s a come as you are when you can environment for men called to “spur men on in their walk with God”.