Pastors Reuben & Pam Lockridge hosted “The Called” a Revival on August 8, 2016
That Day Hits the Road
On August 4th, our family and ministry packed up and headed for a few days’ break at a friend’s place in Pigeon Forge, TN. Once vacation was over, we repacked and headed for Virginia, where we prepared for our very first outdoor performance of “That Day: a Story of Great Rewards at the Judgment Seat of Christ”!
Pastors Reuben and Pam Lockridge spent great effort and time organizing “The Called: a Revival” at the Bull Run Memorial Park outdoor theater. Despite sweltering August heat, over 100 people from at 8+ churches from Washington, DC, Maryland and Virginia united for a day long event of prayer, preaching, worship, repentance, and celebrating the name of Christ. There, I got to perform That Day for all in attendance.
Digging Past the Surface
When you perform a one man play, you’re going to get a lot of surface “WOWs” about the performance itself like “Wow, how’d you memorize 90 minutes of story?!” or “Wow, how do you do all those voices?” But, digging past the comments about what people saw, you may find more exciting comments about how people were changed, like “Wow… I haven’t been thinking about eternity anywhere near as much as I ought.”
As a performer, consultant, and personal pastor these are the kinds of comments I look for to see if the play is on track; the kind of feedback that isn’t about me and my effort, but what God is up to through His efforts.
I’m used to giving people a “wow”, but this feedback email made ME say “wow”…
Wowwing the Wower?
Here’s what I got in my inbox last week:
“[Before seeing That Day] I didn’t really focus on ‘Judgement Day’ too much. For one thing, outside of the Word of God, I’ve heard so many different versions, and man made perceptions of what the day will be like. For me, it’s always been [far] beyond what I can imagine and I didn’t want to focus on what I may or may not be judged on. My concern has just been trying to get it right, so as to not hear… ‘depart from me, for I know you not!‘
But, now that I’ve seen That Day, it totally restructured my focus.
First, I was drawn in by the scriptural support throughout the one-man play. [Helping me see] the great responsibility I have to take every opportunity to speak, display, and demonstrate the love of Christ through my life. Greeting people, helping, giving of time as well as finances are all great opportunities to draw souls to Christ. It’s not that I was not aware of this, but ‘That Day’, gave me a huge visual of my responsibility as a believer of the Lord Jesus Christ. [Truth] came to life that there is truly a reward that awaits for every soul that comes to salvation and the saving grace. The Angels really are rejoicing in Heaven when one life has been changed.
I’m a visual person and for this great gift that God has given to Aarron (as a one-man demonstration), to be able to create such a dramatization that encompasses such a vast degree of visions, is amazing and can only be God!”
– Yolanda Richards
(some font formatting mine)
We’re so grateful to have had a chance to share this story with a wide, new audience and thankful for God’s grace, your prayers and support that made it happen! How great is it to know about the LIFE CHANGE experienced as a result of a look at That Day!
To inquire about booking That Day for your church, retreat or organization,
click here.
If you’re a
ministry leader, church staff, or Sunday School teacher and would like to attend our free
That Day Leader’s Lunch this October, send email to “lunch@seasonsoflifeministries.org” and we’ll send you an RSVP link!
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