Statement of Faith

We believe the entire bible is the inspired word of God. It was written down by men moved by the Holy Spirit and is therefore, in its original manuscripts, inerrant and complete.

God is one God who exists in three distinct persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
God the Father is eternal, unchanging, sovereign, omnipotent, all knowing, all loving, perfectly just, perfectly holy, ruler and sustainer of the universe.
Jesus is the only begotten son of God, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, was executed on a cross, paid the all-sufficient sacrifice for sin, rose in the flesh from the dead, and physically ascended to Heaven.
The Holy Spirit is the primary agency of conviction of sin. He indwells the believer at the point of salvation and empowers the believer to do good in the eyes of God.

The Nature of Man
God created man for fellowship with Him, but man, through Adam, was alienated by sin, therefore under the curse of God’s judgment for the wicked. Additionally, man is incapable of righteousness apart from God

Salvation by Faith Alone
We believe that Jesus Christ’s substitutionary death on the cross is the sole basis for payment of the sin debt incurred by Adam. Therefore, no sacrament, ordinance, or work of man outside of a profession of faith in Christ as Lord linked to a believing heart can bring man into righteous relationship with God.

Life in Christ
Through salvation in Christ, the sinful man is dead and the new man lives in his place. God sanctifies us through the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit. Life as a follower of Christ is marked by God conforming that man to the image of Christ. The marks of sanctification are threefold – decreased frequency of and desire toward sinful disobedience, increased tension in the life of the believer before repentance, decrease in the time between sin and repentance.