Clean Slate Matrix

My Personal Details
Male Female
My Honest Assesment

1) I'm working harder, yet losing ground.

2) My day to day activities are aligned with God's purpose for my life.

3) I delegate inappropriate tasks effectively.

4) I have a reliable process for tracking all of my things to do.

5) My life is too chaotic.

6) I am overcommitted.

7) I keep up with my workload.

8) I share Christ with believers (discipleship) as often as possible.

9) I share Christ with non-believers (evangelism) as often as possible.

10) I regularly carve out calendar time to recharge.

11) My email and messaging is under control and well managed.

12) I am consistently engaging my spiritual gifts to build up the Body of Christ.

13) I feel like I'm on the right track to reach my God given goals.

14) I have a hard time finding things when I need them.

15) I feel like things are falling through the cracks.

16) I have clear, well defined goals.

17) I review my prayerfully discerned, written personal mission statement regularly.

18) I'm privately afraid I'm not paying enough attention to really important things.

19) I have conflicting priorities.

20) My prayer life is spotty or non-existent.

21) I am consistent in daily bible study.

22) I have too many things on my mind.

23) I am living the life I believe God designed me to live.

24) I can see God's greater purpose in my current season of life.