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Go Long, Go Deep, Go-go-GO!

            Junk mail. Got it? Me, too. Last thing I want our newsletter to be is another piece of mail that clogs up your inbox. We only send out a handfull of support letters each year and hope they hit the target God intended. Sometimes that target is the trash, other times it’s the “give” pile. But, with all the requests floating around out there, ours is bound to wind up being welcome in some inboxes, clogging up others, and overwhelming in still others.

            So, what do you do?

            Earlier this month, Andy Stanley delivered a message about what to do with all the support requests that come your way. Personally, I disagree with what he had to say in one respect (which I may blog on in a later post – good reason to follow our blog…), but agree entirely in another.

            The practical advice was “do for one what you would want to do for all”. In other words, focus your giving – financial, prayer, and time resources at the one area God really moves you in. That way, you will not “grow weary in doing good”. But, what if the growing weary part doesn’t come from “going wide”. What if growing weary is more a barometer of life lived on our own steam rather than in God’s power? I agree with our pastor- listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit, especially in regards to giving of your time, your treasure, and your prayer. I digress…

            I also agree with him in saying there are a ton of organizations out there that could really use a few focused people who “go long and go deep”. If we’re going to continue to follow God’s lead on the mission of discipleship, Seasons of Life is going to need about a dozen and a half families who are willing to go long and/or go deep. At the core of our support are about 15 families and individuals who support Seasons of Life as monthly supporters. There are about a half dozen others who jump in with a “big splash” around 3 to 4 times a year or make a big difference in our year end giving.

            If you’re one of them, THANK YOU.

            That brings us to just under $2,000 in monthly support – a far cry from the over $7,000 needed to pay two full time employees, recognize volunteers, help those in need, handle administrative fees, keep the lights, phones, and internet turned on, etc. As we look beyond 2011 to 2016 and all that comes in between, we’re going to need about 18 more families, individuals, small groups, and/or businesses to help bridge the gap.

           Here’s the cool part – we don’t care if we’re getting what’s left after you’ve given to all your other commitments. In my hand I have two checks for $200, a $100, a $50, and a $12 check. The $12 is from a friend who I’m sure is a regular tither to his church, a giver to missions, and a supporter of other para-church ministries like Seasons of Life. But, I love the fact that he’s intentional about writing us a check – even if it’s for the change found between the seat cushions. My guess is, we may see a lot of very small checks from him, but I don’t see him or his family growing weary and I don’t ever see us sending a check back to him saying “this isn’t enough”. The point is – he feels led by God to give and gives obediently and cheerfully. Win for the Kingdom of God.

           This month, we’re need to replace a toner cartridge in our printer, keep the lights on, meet with men and women who are on fire for Christ and want to go deeper with Him for the long haul. Your support, whether deep, long, shallow, or short, will help us to meet them where they are. 

            Maybe you’re in a position where you can support discipleship, but only once in a while. I’d like to invite you to meet a specific need, right now. Maybe you’re in a position to give a little bit once in a while. If God is behind the desire to point that giving at Seasons of Life, give quarterly. If you’re in a position to give monthly and think $10 is embarrassing or $1,000 would be prideful- pray about it first. If God is leading you there, my goal this month is to remove any barrier between your heart and your giving.

            Here is a list of some current projects we’re working on that could use your support – if you’d like a specific need to meet, this is for you. If you’re a current supporter and feel a tug in your heart to increase your giving, just call or email us and we’ll take care of you right away. If you’re on the sidelines, thinking about jumping in – get really, really quiet and ask God if Seasons of Life is the right place for you to give. If you sense the response is “yes”, go to our website and follow the steps to partner with us for as long as God would have you.

Go long, go deep!

in Christ,


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