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5 Reasons You Should See “War Room”


Click here for official trailer.

First off, I’m a guy. I like movies where things blow up, cars turn into walking, talking robots, and good guys outwit the bad guys. Yes, one way I love my wife like Christ loved the church is to watch an occasional “chick flick” with her. But, as a Christ follower, I’m finding it increasingly harder to find movies where I don’t feel like I’ve violated my conscience or Psalm 101:3:

I will set before my eyes no vile thing. The deeds of faithless men I will hate; they will not cling to me. (NIV 1984)

You’d think by 2015 there’d be tons of great, clean movies out there made by God following producers, wouldn’t you? Enter the Kendrick Brothers?

So, imagine my mixed thoughts when I got invited for an advanced screening of “War Room” back in May. “Please, God, don’t let it be lame.”  Then again, free tickets. Having heard Priscilla Shirer speak a couple years back at Free Chapel one Sunday morning, I was willing to go give it a try since it’s her premiere on screen acting role. Plus, T.C. Stallings is a solid “man’s man”…

My Reaction?

Understatement of the Year: “War Room” is the Kendrick’s best film yet and every God fearing man needs to see it.

Here are my Top 5 Reasons You Need to See War Room:

5. Stallings did not disappoint (see clip below).
4. Alex Kendrick took a very bold and wise step to a smaller, supporting role, but
3. Priscilla Shirer carried the film on her shoulders with craft and strength. The movie is well worth seeing for her performance alone.
2. If you can get out of the theater without falling in love with Karen Abercrombie and you have ice in your veins. One thing I remember from my senior year in college “Audition Techniques” class: “Make ’em laugh and make ’em cry.” Miss Clara will bring you to your feet and your knees.
1. Last: the story. Focused, fervent, relentless prayer should be the starting point for any man, woman, or child once our heads come off the pillow every day. We have lost that in our culture. We have become (even in the church) utterly self sufficient in many ways. War Room doesn’t beat anyone over the head with “dude, you need to pray more or you’re a miserable Christian”. Instead, it makes a graphic wake up call that will inspire you to fight your tallest battles on your knees before God.

Here’s a Michael Jr. and TC Stallings scene from the movie. War Room releases Friday, August 28th with select, preview showings on Wed & Thurs the 26th and 27th throughout Atlanta. If you’re interested in preview screenings, contact me and I’ll connect you.

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