Site icon Seasons of Life Ministries

Speaking Life to Those in Need

     This year, God has kept the door open for us to serve between 7 and 10 families who are “working poor” and in need of a little relief. Donated food, money, gas cards, and a ton of prayer have provided a sustaining breath of life to dozens of men, women, and children from Fulton to Forsyth to Hall counties. One supporter pitched in $500 last quarter that helped one family keep their lights and gas on, as well as providing $200 in gas/food cards for two local families. “Karen”, a single mom of 5 with 2 jobs, was ecstatic. 

“[My ex-husband] is behind on child support this month and was $1,000 short last month and late the month before… I don’t know what we would have done [without this gift].”

     Thank you, to all who believe in this program and have by prayer or support contributed. You are truly speaking the life of Christ into tight circumstances.

     To support Speak Life specifically with a one time gift, click on the icons below. To support this program as a regular monthly or quarterly giver, use the same links, just enter “monthly” or “quarterly” in the notes field at checkout.

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