Quick Look Back,
Prayerfully Plan Ahead

“Der mentsh trakht un got lakht.”
(Man plans, God laughs.) –Yiddish saying

Our Plans Meet God’s Curveball…

✍︎     This year, we’d planned on 6 That Day performances and at least 3 Clean Slate Workshops. Clearly, God had a different vision…

     Lockdown foiled those plans, but as it dragged on, we witnessed a social phenomenon in our neighborhood and among our “tribe”: anxieties, fear, isolation and relationship challenges were taking the spotlight and the magnifying glass.

     Some may have predicted this. But, as work-from-home walking traffic in neighborhoods increased, we never imagined the spike we saw in crisis and family discipleship that flowed from “social distancing” among the people we encountered! Impromptu, biblical conversations about complex topics like better marital communication and homeschooling as well as simple conversations like “tell me about your faith” dominated our calendar all of a sudden.

It’s like God shouting “Stay put, I’ll bring the work TO you.”

     As a result, we now know dozens of our neighbors and can pray for them by need and name. Glory to God, right?

     Care ministry concepts we learned 15 years ago are bringing biblical truth to bear for women struggling with alcohol, single motherhood, training up children, husbands loving their wives (even when they feel like they’re working on top of each other because of impossible, unplanned work-from-home situations). One on one has gone through the roof, Zoom calls, prayer calls, all off the charts in 2020…

When’s the Next “That Day”?!
     As I talk with pastors and leaders, they DO sense people are itching for the “old normal” gathering for events and entertainment (like That Day), despite the ongoing fear fueled by the media. We were made by our creator for real relationships and restraining THAT is a herculean effort. THAT DAY will return…  Then, here’s what you can do in the meantime:



How Can I Defeat Distraction DAILY?!

With the many changes that have taken place in the marketplace, Christ-followers increasingly seek new ways to win their battle against distraction. The great news is, there are plenty of old, time-tested ways to defeat new challenges and Clean Slate can help. I personally envision a “Best Year Ever” workshop or webinar series sometime in December designed to help people make 2021 their most focused, mission-driven, chase-down-God’s-purpose-for-my-life year, ever.

If you’re interested in that, email me at aarron@zeroinbox.org, then take the free, 60-second productivity snapshot here to figure out how Clean Slate can help you get more done with less stress and greater intentionality in 2021.


Closing Thoughts:
Ultimately, none of our plans matter if they’re not lined up with God’s will: prayer is the crucial link to our Lord, Redeemer, and the lover of our souls whose plans are… perfect.

4 Second Prayer Challenge:
Each day on our prayer calendar is a blurb you can lift up to God in less than 4 seconds.PLEASE, make sure to download the October prayer schedule and take the 4-second challenge every day of October. Will you give it a try?


in Christ,

Aarron & Cristine